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"Inmunología e Inmunoterapia. Vacunaciones".
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[18:07] *** pecarre (
has joined #curso
[18:09] (Castrodeza> Buenas tardes a todos!
[18:09] (pecarre> buenas
[18:10] (yolanda> Buenas tardes
[18:10] (Castrodeza> Vamos a leer despacio la revisión que
hemos propuesto en el curso, para
[18:10] (Castrodeza> - Identificar los aspectos mas
relevantes y las indicaciones
[18:11] (Castrodeza> - Le espaciación en el tiempo de
aplicación de las vacunas
[18:11] (Castrodeza> - La conveniencia de dar dosis
simultaneas y
[18:11] (Castrodeza> - la posible interferencia en esas dosis
[18:11] (Castrodeza> Esta en ingles, pero lo revisaremos
despacito para que no haya problemas y luego podamos
[18:11] (Castrodeza> _______________________________________
[18:11] (Castrodeza> Spacing of Multiple Doses of the Same
[18:12] (Castrodeza> Vaccination providers are encouraged
to adhere as closely as possible to the recommended
childhood immunization schedule.
[18:12] (Castrodeza> Clinical studies have reported that
recommended ages and intervals between doses of multidose
antigens provide optimal protection or have the best evidence
of efficacy.
[18:12] (Castrodeza> Recommended vaccines and
recommended intervals between doses are provided in this
report (Table1).
[18:12] (Castrodeza> In certain circumstances, administering
doses of a multidose vaccine at shorter than the
recommended intervals might be necessary.
[18:12] (Castrodeza> This can occur when a person is behind
schedule and needs to be brought up-to-date as quickly as
possible or when international travel is impending.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> In these situations, an accelerated
schedule can be used that uses intervals between doses
shorter than those recommended for routine vaccination.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> Although the effectiveness of all
accelerated schedules has not been evaluated in clinical trials,
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
believes that the immune response when accelerated intervals
are used is acceptable and will lead to adequate protection.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> The accelerated, or minimum, intervals
and ages that can be used for scheduling catch-up
vaccinations is provided in this report.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> Vaccine doses should not be
administered at intervals less than these minimum intervals or
earlier than the minimum age.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> In clinical practice, vaccine doses
occasionally are administered at intervals less than the
minimum interval or at ages younger than the minimum age.
[18:13] (Castrodeza> Doses administered too close together
or at too young an age can lead to a suboptimal immune
[18:13] (Castrodeza> However, administering a dose a
limited number of days earlier than the minimum interval or
age is unlikely to have a substantially negative effect on the
immune response to that dose. Therefore, ACIP recommends
that vaccine doses administered <4 days before the minimum
interval or age be counted as valid.
[18:14] (Castrodeza> However, because of its unique
schedule, this recommendation does not apply to rabies
vaccine. Doses administered >5 days earlier than the
minimum interval or age should not be counted as valid doses
and should be repeated as age-appropriate.
[18:14] (Castrodeza> The repeat dose should be spaced after
the invalid dose by the recommended minimum interval as
provided in this report .
[18:14] (Castrodeza> For example, if Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib) doses one and two were administered only 2
weeks apart, dose two is invalid and should be repeated.
[18:14] (Castrodeza> The repeat dose should be
administered >4 weeks after the invalid (second) dose.
[18:14] (Castrodeza> The repeat dose would be counted as
the second valid dose.
[18:14] (Castrodeza> Doses administered >5 days before
the minimum age should be repeated on or after the child
reaches the minimum age and >4 weeks after the invalid
[18:14] (Castrodeza> For example, if varicella vaccine were
administered at age 10 months, the repeat dose would be
administered no earlier than the child's first birthday.
[18:15] (Castrodeza> Certain vaccines produce increased
rates of local or systemic reactions in certain recipients when
administered too frequently (e.g., adult tetanus-diphtheria
toxoid [Td], pediatric diphtheria-tetanus toxoid [DT], and
tetanus toxoid) .
[18:15] (MiNombre> hola
[18:15] (Castrodeza> Such reactions are thought to result
from the formation of antigen-antibody complexes. Optimal
record keeping, maintaining patient histories, and adhering to
recommended schedules can decrease the incidence of such
reactions without adversely affecting immunity.
[18:15] (Castrodeza> Simultaneous Administration
[18:15] (Castrodeza> Experimental evidence and extensive
clinical experience have strengthened the scientific basis for
administering vaccines simultaneously (i.e., during the same
office visit, not combined in the same syringe).
[18:15] (Castrodeza> Simultaneously administering all
vaccines for which a person is eligible is critical, including for
childhood vaccination programs, because simultaneous
administration increases the probability that a child will be
fully immunized at the appropriate age.
[18:15] (Castrodeza> A study conducted during a measles
outbreak demonstrated that approximately one third of
measles cases among unvaccinated but vaccine-eligible
preschool children could have been prevented if MMR had
been administered at the same visit when another vaccine
was administered .
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Simultaneous administration also is
critical when preparing for foreign travel and if uncertainty
exists that a person will return for further doses of vaccine.
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Simultaneously administering the most
widely used live and inactivated vaccines have produced
seroconversion rates and rates of adverse reactions similar to
those observed when the vaccines are administered
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Routinely administering all vaccines
simultaneously is recommended for children who are the
appropriate age to receive them and for whom no specific
contraindications exist at the time of the visit.
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Administering combined MMR vaccine
yields results similar to administering individual measles,
mumps, and rubella vaccines at different sites.
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Therefore, no medical basis exists for
administering these vaccines separately for routine
vaccination instead of the preferred MMR combined vaccine.
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Administering separate antigens would
result in a delay in protection for the deferred components.
[18:16] (Castrodeza> Response to MMR and varicella
vaccines administered on the same day is identical to
vaccines administered a month apart.
[18:17] (Castrodeza> No evidence exists that OPV interferes
with parenterally administered live vaccines.
[18:17] (Castrodeza> OPV can be administered
simultaneously or at any interval before or after parenteral
live vaccines.
[18:17] (Castrodeza> No data exist regarding the
immunogenicity of oral Ty21a typhoid vaccine when
administered concurrently or within 30 days of live virus
[18:17] (Castrodeza> In the absence of such data, if typhoid
vaccination is warranted, it should not be delayed because of
administration of virus vaccines.
[18:17] (Castrodeza> Simultaneously administering
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine and inactivated
influenza vaccine elicits a satisfactory antibody response
without increasing the incidence or severity of adverse
[18:17] (Castrodeza> Simultaneously administering
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine and inactivated
influenza vaccine is strongly recommended for all persons for
whom both vaccines are indicated.
[18:18] (Castrodeza> Hepatitis B vaccine administered with
yellow fever vaccine is as safe and immunogenic as when
these vaccines are administered separately.
[18:18] (Castrodeza> Measles and yellow fever vaccines
have been administered safely at the same visit and without
reduction of immunogenicity of each of the components.
[18:18] (Castrodeza> Depending on vaccines administered in
the first year of life, children aged 12--15 months can receive
<7 injections during a single visit (MMR, varicella, Hib,
pneumococcal conjugate, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and
acellular pertussis [DTaP], IPV, and hepatitis B vaccines).
[18:18] (Castrodeza> To help reduce the number of
injections at the 12--15-month visit, the IPV primary series
can be completed before the child's first birthday.
[18:18] (Castrodeza> MMR and varicella vaccines should be
administered at the same visit that occurs as soon as possible
on or after the first birthday.
[18:18] (Castrodeza> The majority of children aged 1 year
who have received two (polyribosylribitol phosphate-meningoc
occal outer membrane protein [PRP-OMP]) or three
(PRP-tetanus [PRP-T], diphtheria CRM197 [CRM,
cross-reactive material] protein conjugate [HbOC]) prior doses
of Hib vaccine, and three prior doses of DTaP and
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine have developed protection.
[18:18] (MiNombre> #nick lourdes
[18:18] (Castrodeza> The third (PRP-OMP) or fourth (PRP-T,
HbOC) dose of the Hib series, and the fourth doses of DTaP
and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines are critical in boosting
antibody titer and ensuring continued protection.
[18:19] (Castrodeza> However, the booster dose of the Hib
or pneumococcal conjugate series can be deferred until ages
15--18 months for children who are likely to return for future
[18:19] (Castrodeza> The fourth dose of DTaP is
recommended to be administered at ages 15--18 months, but
can be administered as early as age 12 months under certain
[18:19] (Castrodeza> For infants at low risk for infection
with hepatitis B virus (i.e., the mother tested negative for
hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] at the time of delivery
and the child is not of Asian or Pacific Islander descent), the
hepatitis B vaccine series can be completed at any time during
ages 6--18 months.
[18:19] (Castrodeza> Recommended spacing of doses should
be maintained.
[18:19] (Castrodeza> Use of combination vaccines can
reduce the number of injections required at an office visit.
Licensed combination vaccines can be used whenever any
components of the combination are indicated and its other
components are not contraindicated.
[18:19] (Castrodeza> Use of licensed combination vaccines
is preferred over separate injection of their equivalent
component vaccines.
[18:19] (Castrodeza> Only combination vaccines approved
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should be used.
[18:20] (Castrodeza> Individual vaccines must never be
mixed in the same syringe unless they are specifically
approved for mixing by FDA.
[18:20] (Castrodeza> Only one vaccine (DTaP and PRP-T Hib
vaccine, marketed as TriHIBit® [manufactured by Aventis
Pasteur]) is FDA-approved for mixing in the same syringe.
[18:20] (Castrodeza> This vaccine should not be used for
primary vaccination in infants aged 2, 4, and 6 months, but it
can be used as a booster after any Hib vaccine.
[18:20] (Castrodeza> Nonsimultaneous Administration
[18:20] (Castrodeza> Inactivated vaccines do not interfere
with the immune response to other inactivated vaccines or to
live vaccines.
[18:20] (Castrodeza> An inactivated vaccine can be
administered either simultaneously or at any time before or
after a different inactivated vaccine or live vaccine (Table 2).
[18:21] (Castrodeza> The immune response to one live-virus
vaccine might be impaired if administered within 30 days of
another live-virus vaccine.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> Data are limited concerning
interference between live vaccines.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> In a study conducted in two U.S.
health maintenance organizations, persons who received
varicella vaccine <30 days after MMR vaccination had an
increased risk for varicella vaccine failure (i.e., varicella
disease in a vaccinated person) of 2.5-fold compared with
those who received varicella vaccine before or >30 days
after MMR.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> In contrast, a 1999 study determined
that the response to yellow fever vaccine is not affected by
monovalent measles vaccine administered 1--27 days earlier.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> The effect of nonsimultaneously
administering rubella, mumps, varicella, and yellow fever
vaccines is unknown.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> To minimize the potential risk for
interference, parenterally administered live vaccines not
administered on the same day should be administered >4
weeks apart whenever possible.
[18:21] (Castrodeza> If parenterally administered live
vaccines are separated by <4 weeks, the vaccine
administered second should not be counted as a valid dose
and should be repeated.
[18:22] (Castrodeza> The repeat dose should be
administered >4 weeks after the last, invalid dose.
[18:22] (Castrodeza> Yellow fever vaccine can be
administered at any time after single-antigen measles vaccine.
[18:22] (Castrodeza> Ty21a typhoid vaccine and parenteral
live vaccines (i.e., MMR, varicella, yellow fever) can be
administered simultaneously or at any interval before or after
each other, if indicated.
[18:22] (Castrodeza> HASTA AQUI....
[18:23] (Castrodeza> pregunto yo primero,a todos los que
estan en la clase:
[18:23] (Castrodeza> ¿se pueden administrar vacunas
*vivas* e inactivadas conjuntamente ?
[18:24] (pecarre> no, se debe pasar 4 semanas
[18:24] (Castrodeza> por qué, Pedro ?
[18:24] (Castrodeza> y en que casos ?
[18:25] (pecarre> la razon es para minimizar los efectos
[18:26] (Castrodeza> entonces, ¿desaconsejarias la
vacunacion conjunta actual de polio y DTP ?
[18:26] (pecarre> nooooooo, por supuesto no en todos los
[18:27] (Castrodeza> sería recomentable revisar la tabla 2 y
tabla 3 de "normas ACIP"
[18:28] (Castrodeza> a ver yolanda... y albert, identificais
que vacunas son vivas de las denominadas sistemáticas en el
calendario vacunal ?
[18:29] (Castrodeza> (todo esto está en las diapositivas y
normas ACIP que estan colocadas en la web y que
corresponden tambien al tema de hoy
[18:29] (Castrodeza> y mañana veremos un ejercicio al
[18:29] (agarcia> DTP, polio?
[18:30] (Castrodeza> la DTP es una vacuna muerta
[18:30] (Castrodeza> fundamentalmente de tipo toxoide
[18:30] (Castrodeza> y la polio, si está viva, aunque
[18:30] (Castrodeza> en el futuro va ser probablente
sustituída por otra muerta
[18:31] (Castrodeza> (denominada SALK)
[18:31] (Castrodeza> MiNombre, quien eres ?
[18:32] (Castrodeza> bueno, ahora te toca, yolanda
[18:32] (yolanda> la triple virica quizás?
[18:33] (Castrodeza> preguntas si forma parte del calendario
Yolanda ??
[18:33] (Castrodeza> la respuesta es que si....
[18:33] (Castrodeza> si preguntas otra cosa... depende
[18:33] (Castrodeza> por cierto., ¿has leído algo sobre
vacunas vivas frente a la fiebre tifoidea?
[18:34] (yolanda> no
[18:34] (agarcia> NO
[18:35] (Castrodeza> bueno, aun queda tiempo para leerlo,
[18:35] (Castrodeza> en el informe ACIP se hace referencia a
esta vacuna: Ty21a
[18:35] (Castrodeza> es una vacuna comercializada en
[18:36] (Castrodeza> con el nombre de VIVOTIF
[18:36] (Castrodeza> MENSAJE Y TAREA PARA MAÑANA:
[18:36] (Castrodeza> 1.- revisar como se calcula la
efectividad de un programa de vacunaciones
[18:37] (Castrodeza> bueno, con ese uno terminamos
[18:37] (Castrodeza> preguntas ?
[18:37] (Castrodeza> comentarios ?
[18:37] (pecarre> Yo tengo una
[18:38] (Castrodeza> adelante
[18:38] (Castrodeza> adelante Pedro, pregunta
[18:38] (pecarre> Hace anños se vacunaba contra la
tuberculosis, cosa que se dejo de hacer. Con el aumento de la
incidencia de esta enfermedad
[18:38] (pecarre> habria que volver a vacunar?
[18:39] (Castrodeza> La preguntal del millón
[18:39] (Castrodeza> .
[18:39] (pecarre> je je
[18:39] (Castrodeza> En el momento actual, no se aconseja
la vacunación
[18:39] (Castrodeza> sistemática de la población
[18:39] (Castrodeza> salvo el poblaciones especiales
[18:39] (Castrodeza> salvo *en poblaciones especiales*
[18:39] (Castrodeza> estas son:
[18:40] (Castrodeza> las que no quieran cumpliar las normas
de quimioprofilaxis
[18:40] (Castrodeza> o poblaciones de profesiones de riesgo
[18:40] (Castrodeza> por ejemplo...
[18:40] (Castrodeza> los aqui presentes
[18:40] (Castrodeza> o comunidades cerradas con elevados
niveles de infeccion
[18:41] (Castrodeza> Creo, que el Gobierno Vasco contempla
la vacunación en recien nacidos
[18:41] (Castrodeza> Mas cosas ??
[18:42] (Castrodeza> Bueno, quedan los paneles para que
pregunten o comenten lo que se les ocurra en adelante,
[18:42] (Castrodeza> vale ?
[18:42] (pecarre> vale
[18:42] (Castrodeza> nos vemos ahi todos, y mañana
trabajaremos con eso
[18:42] (Castrodeza> hasta mañana a todos
[18:42] (yolanda> adios
[18:42] (pecarre> adios
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